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The Flying University Project is dedicated to the building of parallel institutions for education for children from minority and underserved populations in the United States. We seek to strengthen marginalized communities in these difficult times.
Showing posts from September, 2018
Word Problem Preview: Sophie's Bicycle Ride
Japanese keikaisha, Bridgestone Message Men's Type. Image created by Imoni, licensed underCreative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.By Clarence Thompson
Here is another word problem for adventurous kids and grown-ups to chew on. To solve i…
150 Pounds of Garlic
Herb Garden, Kline Creek Farm, by Erika Smith. Image retrieved from Wikimedia CommonsBy Clarence Thompson
I have been very busy for the last two months with community organizing. The last three weeks have been especially interested as I am taking an online class related to creating social moveme…